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Sarah Williams

Sarah loves breaking down complex topics and making them accessible to everyday readers. With four years of experience writing in the fintech and auto industries, she’s helped shape Lease End’s voice and given consumers the confidence they need to tackle leasing topics.

The UAW Strike and Your Car: 4 Things to Know Now

If you haven’t heard, the United Auto Workers (UAW) union went on strike September 15. To read more about the strike, check out this page or just Google “UAW strike” – there’s a lot about it out there. Here, we’ll stick to what we do best and cover how this affects the car market and, most importantly, how it could affect you.

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Can I Repair a Leased Vehicle by Myself?

So, your leased car is damaged. Most lease contracts include coverage for approved, predictable maintenance, but usually won’t cover damage from accidents (like, say, a mailbox that appeared out of thin air). If you’d rather avoid disclosing the damage, or just like to work on your own cars, you might be wondering can I repair a leased vehicle myself?

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